Blog / Adding above the fold content to collection pages

Adding above the fold content to collection pages

Adding above the fold content to collection pages
Adding above the fold content to collection pages
Does adding above the fold content to category pages improve rankings? According to our tests, it can increase impressions by up to 700% with 60 days.

For the project below, we used Macaroni Software to identify pages missing copy, generate the content using target keywords and upload directly into Shopify.

In total, we optimised 113 pages, with the entire process - from finding the opportunities to sending the content live - taking less than two hours. Each update was automatically timestamped so we can track its impact.

Then, we calculated the average impressions for each page over the 60 days before the content was added, establishing a baseline.

We then calculated the percentage deviation from this for each modified page, represented by the green line in the chart.

For comparison, we looked at similar category pages (±20% impressions) that did not have any changes during the same 60-day period and calculated their deviation from the baseline.

The results are pretty impressive - up to a 700% increase in impressions. There's a lot, lot more we can go in to here, and we'll be releasing a blog looking at a much larger data set soon.
  • Macaroni impact

    Macaroni impact

    Blink SEO

    We have 14 clients with at least 20 actions implemented as of 1st May 2024. 'martins_chocolatier': 456, 'moderntribe': 319, 'erogenos': 216, 'ukmedi': 118, 'wwmake': 75, 'kokoso': 69, 'bigjigs_toys': 43, 'nuts_pick':...

    Macaroni impact

    Blink SEO

    We have 14 clients with at least 20 actions implemented as of 1st May 2024. 'martins_chocolatier': 456, 'moderntribe': 319, 'erogenos': 216, 'ukmedi': 118, 'wwmake': 75, 'kokoso': 69, 'bigjigs_toys': 43, 'nuts_pick':...

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